Amazingly, it does not take money to make me feel rich. I'm extremely content with the material things that I have in my life, I have a loving, hard working, (handsome too but that is another post) husband to share my life with, I have two precious children that are grown and daily make me proud, I have two sisters for best friends that are full of life and love, I attend a spirtually nourishing church with a loving church family, I have many long time friends that would drop everything if I needed them, I have the best dog (mutt) in the world that loves me unconditionally, and I am at a mature enough point in my life where I do not envy the neighbors new car or have to have the famous name brand clothes to prove my worth in life. There is a very interesting website that adjusts my attitude about how rich I really am (I am not advocating the Care organization or its charities from this website... I don't even know anything about them, but I felt like the statistics here were worth sharing.) According to this, I am richer than 82% of the worlds population and I am the 49,322,169th richest person on earth. WOW! That really puts things into perspective indeed. This information humbles me and makes me realize how fortunate I am to live in the USA. It also reminds me to be even more thankful during this season of Thanksgiving (and all year long) and to remember those that are less fortunate (which evidently there are a lot more than I realized). Being rich is not important to me, having material things is not important either, but it is a BLESSING to know that God has been very generous to me and it is now my responsibility to be generous to others.