Positive Mental Attitude
I think you can really tell a lot about a person by observing their attitude. Their attitude during stress, during tragedy, or just when things are absolutely wonderful... reveals so much about that individual. I like to look on the sunny side of life with my glass always being half full. My brother-in-law calls this a positive Mental Attitude... PMA! I prefer to surround myself with PMA kinda folks. The ones that lift you up instead of drag you down. We all could use a little more PMA in our lives, especially with all of the negative things in the news, gossip in our neighborhoods, and election slander. I have a quote that has been a BLESSING to me for many years and I want to share it today hoping that it will be a blessing to you. "It's your attitude and not your aptitude that will determine your altitude in life" by Jim Davidson. May each of you have a Positive Mental Attitude... PMA, that will help you reach the highest altitude possible in your life. Now that would be a BLESSING indeed!
Great words of wisdom. Thanks for sharing. SH
Nancy, nice to have you come today to my simple blog with my Thursday Thirteen!! You do not have to do these memes. Sometimes I do these and sometimes I don't. It is hard to come up with them each and every week. Tomorrow on Friday some of us do Friday Feasts!! Some of them are fun and then again some are not!! You have a great blog. Just keep it up. I always enjoy coming to visit. Sandy
You are such a delight and you really know how to speak to my heart. Your sweet sun shiny dispostion lifts me higher! Thanks and enjoy your evening!
Loved the quote! Whoo hoo!
I love that quote also. PMA is a gift for sure. We're so grateful to have new blood in our office and the whole atmosphere has changed for the better. PTL!
Thanks for stopping by and for the kind words!
I definitely have a PMA. My daughter, however, who has SO MANY blessings can only see the cup as half empty, never half full. My heart breaks for her.
I am going to borrow that quote. It's wonderful.
Real happiness is always determined by the state of the heart. "A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance," Proverbs 15:13a Thanks Nancy!
Great blog. I absolutely agree with you and I really like the quote.
Hello Nancy ~~ What a great post, so
inspirational. It is great to have a positive outlook on life makes us feel
happier and certainly nicer to be with
Thank you for your comments, glad you enjoyed the jokes. And thank you for
helping ease my back pain.Take care,
Cheers, Merle.
I wish my environment could foster more PMA's. Unfortunately, teaching in a Michigan prison system can often be draining. Thanks for your inspiring words.
Hi Nancy...
I just saw your blog comment you left at 'sue's Disneyland trip, and wanted to stop by and say hi.
I'm about your age...a bit older by 3 years, but we are both grandmas and retired!!
What a wonderful picture of your daughter and her classroom (below)
Happy Friday.
Perfect! May I borrow that quote? Perfect!
Nancy, I have been using the "MPA Theory" for some many years. How funny is that one? Glad to know that you are doing well. It seems like the last month has been a bit "tough" for you and your family.
Hang in there and I will e-mail you soon.
Good words to share. Thanks.
Nancy, great post. Whenever I get someone in my office asking me advise on how to deal with what is going on (usually a messy divorce) I tell them that attitude is everything and, more importantly, attitude is a choice.
I couldn't possibly agree with you more, Nancy. No matter what, I know my glass is half full. And this quote is perfect.
Associating with people who maintain a positive outlook is so much better for us than letting ourselves be dragged down into negativity. It's always worked for me and I try to always remember I need to be positive for the people who associate with me.
This is a very thought-provoking post. I hope I always remember this. Thank you for being an uplifting influence on me. :-)
Hi Nancy,
PMA is an attitude we should all strive for. It makes such a difference in one's outlook on life, doesn't it?
I love your cheery upbeat posts!
PMA is a term I got from a book called Think and Grow Rich written in 1933. Being around postive people is amazing.
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