Baptism Blessings
My twin great nieces were baptized yesterday which was a day of Thanksgiving and celebration for our family, especially since they were born prematurely at 29 weeks gestation. They are now 3 months old and weigh close to 8 pounds, which is a blessing indeed! I wanted to share part of the letter that their mom (my niece that is a Methodist minister) wrote to them on this special day.
"Ella and Mattie, I love you. I feel so blessed that God chose me to be your mommy. You have brought so much joy to my life the last three months. I have been amazed to watch you develop and grow. You have come so far since August 23 and for that I give God thanks. God truly has a special plan for your life. I do not know what that plan is, but I can promise you that I will stand alongside you guiding you, supporting you, and loving you as that plan is revealed to all of us. God entrusted you into my earthly care, and I entrust you into God’s eternal love and care. I hope you always know how much I love you, but please don’t ever forget that God loves you more than any human could ever love. Today is a special day, my dear daughters, today is your baptism day."