Baptism Blessings
My twin great nieces were baptized yesterday which was a day of Thanksgiving and celebration for our family, especially since they were born prematurely at 29 weeks gestation. They are now 3 months old and weigh close to 8 pounds, which is a blessing indeed! I wanted to share part of the letter that their mom (my niece that is a Methodist minister) wrote to them on this special day.
"Ella and Mattie, I love you. I feel so blessed that God chose me to be your mommy. You have brought so much joy to my life the last three months. I have been amazed to watch you develop and grow. You have come so far since August 23 and for that I give God thanks. God truly has a special plan for your life. I do not know what that plan is, but I can promise you that I will stand alongside you guiding you, supporting you, and loving you as that plan is revealed to all of us. God entrusted you into my earthly care, and I entrust you into God’s eternal love and care. I hope you always know how much I love you, but please don’t ever forget that God loves you more than any human could ever love. Today is a special day, my dear daughters, today is your baptism day."
That letter is so sweet! It brought tears to my eyes. I hope she has a copy for each of them.
I have to get the decorating done early this year because of our trip - I need to do some entertaining before we leave, and it's less than 2 weeks!
What a beautiful letter for them to remember their baptism day.
Dawn- She did make a copy for both baby books. The entire letter is tear jerking but I didn't feel like my readers would want to read the entire thing. It really explained the Methodist philosophy of Baptism.
I am so excited for you and your anniversary trip. I can't wait to hear all about it and see the
Sue- Thanks for stopping by. I love your festive Christmas photo!
Sounds just like a mommy that really loves her babies!! Those babies have gone through a lot!! They are special for sure. Sandy
Thank you for your prayers Nancy.
That letter is so sweet. Definitely a wonderful blessing. I'm sure they will love reading those letters that she is writing to them when they are older and will cherish them forever. :)
I haven't been over for a while, but I just want to send my condolences on the loss of Emily. I was choking up at the news and then to read the letter to those babies, well, I'm now a mess! But God is good and he will bless everyone through those two little miracle girls. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you work through this bittersweet time.
what a joy!
What amazing words your nieces minister wrote to your great nieces. How blessed you are.
Sandy- You are so right... it is such a sweet love story.
Chris- The letter is a keeper for a lifetime.
Leslie- You are so right, God is good, and the twins are blessing so many lives in the process.
Christine- Good to hear from you. Hoping you had a great Thanksgiving.
Hilary- I am so glad you stopped by. I love your Santa photos.
that's a great letter. beautiful.
Hotwire- I am glad you stopped by and I hope you will return. I will try to get over to your blog at some point.
What a beautiful letter! I know they will treasure it always!
And they are truly miracles indeed!
Tammy- You are so right... they are miracles, having started out at 2 pounds, and an answer to prayer.
Home with the flu. (Don't believe what they say about the flu shot not making you feel like you have the flu--or it may have been the other four immunization injections I was given for an upcoming oversees trip which I'll write about in January...anyway...)
What a beautiful sentiment from the Mom to the twins. I love when people recognize that the present will someday be past and worth remembering by puttin important things like that in writing. Blessed be the tie that binds!
Tom- I am so sorry you are sick. I am saying extra prayers for you and I look forward to hearing about the January adventure.
My niece is a great writer and the twins will treasure these special letters for the rest of their lives. Plus, what a special reminder of how their Mom felt on that special day.
Get Better!
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