Operation Inasmuch (Part 2)

A blog created to show how much I am blessed each day.
Tomorrow our Church will participate in "Operation Inasmuch", a one day, county wide, mission event to promote the importance of what Jesus said in Matthew 25:40- "For inasmuch as you did to the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for ME!" Our T-shirts are ready, many projects are planned, and hundreds of people will meet at 8:00 tomorrow morning to give back to our community. This awareness will hopefully become a part of our daily lives, as we seek to make a difference... one person at a time- and that will be a BLESSING indeed!
Holden Beach, NC is a gorgeous family beach. We have had the opportunity to go with my sisters, and their families for many years (it takes a big house now that our kids are getting married and having kids of their own). It's a great place to find shells and it's one of our favorite things to do. This year, on our Easter trip, we found all of these shells and I found this neat container (at Michael's), to display them. The shells also have a purpose. We collect them for my son and niece (both pastors), to use for the baptisms in their churches. They are the perfect size to hold just enough water (remember we are Methodist and we use just a little water), and then the person being baptized keeps the shell as a reminder of their Baptism day. I'm already excited about our June trip, anticipating beautiful shelling days with my family. The beach, family, and shelling... BLESSINGS indeed!
WOW! I feel like I have been on a roller coaster for the last several weeks. I appreciate that you have stopped by to check on me and I hope to get to your blogs and catch up this week! Here is a list of a few of my many blessings during the last several weeks.