A blog created to show how much I am blessed each day.
Terrific Thursdays

My Thursdays are spent, 30 minutes away from home, with my twin great nieces. This has been my way of "giving back" to a very special niece and at the same time...giving "ME" one of the biggest BLESSINGS of my life. Doing this keeps these precious, premature twins, out of day care and allows me the opportunity to delight in their development and milestones. The days are long, hard and usually hectic, but the BLESSINGS are too many to count. They are almost 8 months old (6 months old/adjusted age) and weigh 15+ pounds. A BLESSING INDEED!
thanks so much sister for loving and caring for sally, ella and mattie is such an unselfish way. i love you kathy
Awwww, they are so adorable!
Anon~ Sister Kathy ~ Proud Grandmother!!!!! You are so sweet to stop by. I need no thanks... Glory be to God for the opportunity. You are the one with the stars in your crown... you do three days and I admire you more each week when I go for one day. I love you too!
Thanks Cris~ they are indeed! My prayers are with you as you face your next Dr's. appointment.
Aren't they just something!! Beautiful girls!! i don't know if you remember when I helped take care of our triplets that were born. Their dad was one of the pastors at our church. They moved to kentucky and I really miss seeing them grow up. What a chore that was but they were so sweet..Sandy
What a blessing you are! That is the greatest gift you can give - your time. We are so blessed to have grandparents that watch our kids when I work, even though it's just part time.
p.s. I can not believe the girls are that old already!
Sandy~ I had forgotten about the triplets. I really admire you!!!! More stars for your crown. Have a great weekend!
Julie~ You are very fortunate to have grandparents that help out, knowing the kids are loved and cared for while you work. Your little one is growing fast too along with big brother. Enjoy every minute with your precious family... they grow up so fast!
Thank you for loving my girls. I am grateful that we live close enough for you to weekly be part of Ella and Mattie's lives. They are receiving a special blessing and Kevin and I are, too. We all love you. Sally, Kevin, Ella and Mattie
They're growing so fast! Just like my little Eden - over 9 lbs already at 6 weeks. I'm babysitting next Saturday and already have 2 more dates for sitting while Mommy & Daddy go to some weddings. They really had to pull my arm to do it....NOT! lol
Hi Nancy,
My how much they've grown. I esp love the first one with those darling hats. I remember how busy my days were when D was that age, but the time flew. I can only imagine how fast and hectic it is with two!
Bless you for helping so they don't have to be in childcare..
they are beautiful!!!
What a beautiful way God is using you, Nancy!
And what incredible, wonderful pictures of those sweet babies!
Sally~ Thank you all for allowing me this "once in a lifetime" opportunity.
Leslie~ I'm still hoping for grandbabies. I will give the newlyweds a little longer. They need this special time together.
Susie~ Aren't those hats precious? I get to go to their closet and help myself. They have such cute clothes. It's like when I was a little girl, playing dress up with my dolls.
Hotwire~ I haven't heard from you in a long time. I hope things are just peachy your way.
Tammy~ It is a great feeling to know that you are able to "give back". Being retired has it's advantages.
So adorable! Love the hats. Love the ruffled bums. So adorable.
So - the adjusted age - are they at 6 months developmentally? So many things the girls are doing are way ahead of the "adjusted age" and others are right there.
Dawn~ It is so much fun sharing this twin experience with you. The adjusted age is suppose to be the age they would be if they had not been premature. It helps adjust where they should be developmentally. They give us lots of activities to stimulate their development. Things that I didn't do with my two... these activities are keeping them right on target.
I get excited every time you post pictures with news about the twins, keep us up dated!
nancy, thanks for stopping by today!! I am glad to be feeling better too. Today was a very good day so I am hoping that i am on the upward spiral..smile.
Sandy~ Answered prayers are a blessing indeed!
another election's coming up. Are you ready?
PT~ I'm as ready as I can be at this point. Our primary is in May.
Nancy, omigosh, those babies are beautiful!!!!
They are indeed a blessing.
I'm glad to see things are going well for you.
Wow! Too cute. I remember when you introduced us to them. They've grown. I'll bet you look forward to Thursdays!
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