daily blessings
A blog created to show how much I am blessed each day.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Black and White #3
(This is part three of a reflection on my friendship with Nita, a former student of mine, a former teaching assistant of mine (over 20 years), and a dear friend.)
Our Dads
They couldn't have been more alike if they had been identical twins, except for one fact- one was white and one was black! They never met but would have been instant friends because they had so much in common. They both loved their families dearly, especially their daughters (us) and both lives ended too soon, much sooner than their daughters were ready to live life without them; so we helped each other grieve and learn to live in a fatherless world. School was top priority for these two dads and if you ever got in trouble at school- you were in bigger trouble when you got home. You didn't cry needlessly or they would give you something to cry about! For some reason (Nita and I could never figure this one out), nothing good ever came out of South Carolina...??? Integrety was a character trait at the top of their list, and all of the kids in the family would get a "switching", unless the guilty party would "fess" up. Both dads loved to fish, garden, and spend time outdoors- but most of all they LOVED their daughters... and that is a blessing indeed!
Monday, March 03, 2008
Mexico Fun