daily blessings

A blog created to show how much I am blessed each day.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

August 23, 2008

(9-4-08... My laptop is still in the shop. I hope to get it tomorrow but until then please know that I shall return. I'm sorry that I'm unable to visit your blog but I will catch up as soon as I can. I'm keeping the twins today so I'm using their mom's computer while they are napping... which isn't long enough to do a post or visit any of you. Blessings to all!)
(Side Note, 8-24-08 : I may have to take a blogging break to get my laptop fixed. If I'm MIA for awhile, know that the problems were more than my little brain could fix and I shall return ASAP.)
Happy Birthday Ella and Mattie!
What a difference a year makes!
Abundant Blessings!
The best Grand Nieces in the world!


Blogger Cris said...

Awww, that is an adorable picture of them!

Happy 1st Birthday Ella and Mattie!

What a blessing indeed!

3:38 PM  
Blogger Nancy said...

Cris~ Thanks for the compliment and the birthday greeting. The blessings just keep coming our way.

9:36 PM  
Blogger Dawn said...

They look so much like our twins when they were so tiny and new! I can't believe it's been a year already. Are they anywhere close to walking yet?

I don't know how I missed your last post entirely - I am so far behind! That was an amazing sight - never seen anything near that!

9:52 PM  
Blogger .Tom Kapanka said...

Has it been a year? Wow. Someday they'll laugh that their aunt kept a whole world of "strangers" up to date on their progress. =)

6:53 AM  
Blogger Susie said...

Hi Nancy,
Hard to believe they're already a year old. It's been such fun watching them grow up through your blog! Happy Birthday to Ella and Mattie! Such beautiful girls..

12:03 PM  
Blogger Nancy said...

Dawn~ They aren't walking yet. They are just now making progress toward crawling. Mattie can pull up, so it want be long.

You are right they look so much like your twins at the beginning.

They had a great birthday and I can't wait to get my computer fixed so I can share the pictures. TOO CUTE!

Tom~ Yes, a whole year! The twins will be overwhelmed by the love, support and prayers that I received from all of my blogging friends. Thank you for your encouragement through all of this, it's amazing how strangers can make a big difference.

I need you to work on my computer Tom! I wish you lived close by... it's very, very sick! I know I will have withdrawal pains.
It may be time to get a MAC and stop all of this nonsense.

Susie~ They are beautiful and they bring me so much joy. Great preperation for grandkids!

8:04 PM  
Blogger gail@more than a song said...

A year, wow!
Computer problems are never fun, hope you get it all worked out.

12:32 PM  
Blogger Tammy said...

Oh, happy birthday to those sweeties!

12:28 AM  
Blogger {Hilary} said...

Those kids are adorable.
Oh, how they change so quickly.
My baby will be three in October.
I can't believe it.
Good luck with your laptop.

2:59 PM  
Blogger Julie said...

Hope your computer is up and running soon. The girls are just too cute! I am still learning what a difference each and every year makes!

2:59 PM  
Blogger Dawn said...

Glad to hear that you'll be back soon!

5:49 PM  
Blogger Dawn said...

Me again - I was showing the newborn pix to Feisty the other day and she said, "They look just like Emma and Kate." Astute of her.

How much do they weigh at a year? And when did they start sitting up? I can't remember how much they weighed at birth, and how early they were.

8:36 AM  
Blogger Nancy said...

Gail, Tammy, Hilary, Julie and Dawn~ Thanks for your patience. I think I have a solution (see my new post)! I'm keeping my fingers crossed and saving my prayers for major events.

8:26 PM  
Blogger Nancy said...

Dawn~ The twins do look just like your grands. Do all preemies look that much alike?

They sat up at about 10.5 months... Mattie (the little one) first. They can crawl a little now but still do something funny with their left leg, so it's not completely crawling. This doesn't limit their mobility... they can go fast and anywhere they want (or that we let them). Mattie can pull up and is almost ready to take a few steps. They also scoot on their backs by kicking/pushing their feet against the floor... I've never seen that before. Mattie sits up and uses her feet to push her around in a circle (real fast). Again, very interesting.

They weigh 22 and 23 pounds now. There has been one pound difference from the beginning. Mattie started at 1.5 pounds and Ella at 2.5 pounds. They were born at 28 weeks. Ella is more verbal than Mattie. She can say "hey" and waves, she says uh-oh, and sometimes daddy. It is so interesting to observe.

Thanks for your patience and encouragement with this computer mess.

8:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

So good to see the twins and all of you Sat. Great Job Nancy!!!!
Cuz, Shirley

1:20 PM  

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