daily blessings

A blog created to show how much I am blessed each day.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Green Grass

"The grass may be greener on the other side but it still has to be mowed."
If I focus on the things that I do not have, then I become blinded to the BLESSINGS which surrounds me! This is very hard concept for children to understand and even harder for "some" adults. I was even that way for many years of my life and it was not a very happy or productive place to be. Chasing happiness is an exhausting job and it doesn't matter how much you have... if you are not happy with yourself and who you are, then the grass will always be greener on the other side. Instead of chasing happiness, count your BLESSINGS and name them one by one.


Blogger Susie said...

If we do focus on what we have, most of us will find our blessings are beyond measure!

5:15 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

You said it beautifully, and I absolutley agree. A grateful heart is a contented heart I think.

8:25 PM  
Blogger someone else said...

Excellent advice!

8:46 PM  
Blogger Dawn said...

I love your blessings every day - they remind me of mine. I love the quote of the old hymn, Count Your Blessings. I'm afraid it doesn't get sung much any more!

9:22 AM  
Blogger Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Blessings!! Wonderful!! Focusing is even harder I am afraid! But I try very hard to do that every day. I am so thankful for what I have and I know how fortunate I am thanks to God and what HE has given to me and my hubby. Thanks for stopping by today. Sandy

2:31 PM  
Blogger Blessed said...

That was truly inspiring post!!!

9:04 PM  

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