A Letter to My Great Nieces
Dear Ella and Mattie,
You are simply a celebration, a reason for rejoicing, a masterpiece of divine design and you were created by God to SHINE! God BLESSED us all on the day that you were born. You are a precious miracle, a special gift from God, and you are so lucky to have been born into a loving, supportive, Christian family that will teach you about God's love. You will be loved unconditionally, not only by God, but also by each member of this special family, who will be right by your side- no mater what. We have a large family but that will just provide you with more arms for hugging, and more wisdom for guidance. It will provide fun, excitement, laughter, and strength, but most of all it will provide you with all of the love that you need to grow up- happy and healthy! I love you both and look forward to being a very special part of your lives.
All my love,
Auntie Nancy
My what sweet little twins...i always wanted twins and they do run in our family but it never happened to us. This is such a blessing...wow...
They are so tiny and so sweet. What precious little bundles. That is such a lovely letter. Some day their hearts will be warmed as they read it.
Sandy- I wanted twins too, and actually my 2nd child (Katherine) was a twin but I miscarried her twin at 13 weeks and carried Katherine until 37 weeks. Now that is a blessing indeed!
Linda- I gave their mom a copy of the letter for each of them and she took it to the neonatal unit and read it too them. How sweet is that!
They are both growing and making progress with several more months in the NICU before going home.
Thanks for stopping by.
Dear Auntie Nancy-
Thank you for our sweet letter. Mommy read it to us the other day. It made her cry, but we are learning that is pretty normal:)
We hope that you and Uncle Joe will come see us again soon. We are getting bigger everyday and the doctors say we are doing really good.
We love you-
Ella and Mattie
Oh my goodness, I'm all choked up. You are so lucky and so are the twins to have each other! May God richly bless you all.
Oh, what a sweet letter! How blessed those little ones are to have such a sweet auntie and a big loving family. Blessings on you all.
Annon/Sally- Thanks for stopping by my blog and seeing how very special your little miracles are to me. We are richly blessed to be a part of your family.
Leslie- Thanks for stopping by with your kind words. I am indeed richly blessed.
LindaH- I am glad you continue to stop by daily blessings and I appreciate your kind words.
Hi Nancy,
What a precious gift for your entire family. They are beautiful and I will certainly keep them in my prayers. I've enjoyed reading back through those special details of your daughter's wedding day. I wish we had thought of doing the flowers in remembrance of loved ones for our daughter's wedding. What a perfect tribute to them ...
Oh, they are so precious! That is a beautiful letter to them. I'm sure they are going to cherish that when they as they get older. What a blessing.
AWWWW! So adorable. I am so thankful they are doing so well.
Does Katherine ever "feel" like she is missing someone? A friend who lost a twin the same way says her daughter often does.
We're gearing up for God's miracle in Kristen's pregnancy.
Thanks for your kind words on my job series!
Oh, look at those little faces. Are they beautiful or what????
You are indeed truly blessed.
So are they :-)
Sister you are so good with words! I sure wish I could compose such a beautiful and heart felt letter! We are very very very lucky to have a family that is so GOD centered, I know that many out there do not. Thank you for being such a great mentor in raising your children in the Christian faith! I only hope I can do 1/2 as good as you and Kathy have done! Loce you! CW
What a wonderful aunt you are to these two very lucky and very beautiful little gifts from God.
I am certain that their cups will overflow with love from family all the days of their lives.
Your letter to them at this time is simply precious. You made a hard copy of it and have framed it for them, haven't you?
What a fantastic letter and gift for them someday. The art of letter writing is lost. What a great pair of twins. SQ has a story about some twins going at her place. I don't know how it ends but they disappeared (true story I think).
Oh, your letter is beautiful...they are so tiny and so precious!
I was just reading your reply and how your daughter was actually a twin...it makes this post all that more touching!
And then, that "reply" from the twins...so very sweet!
Susie- I am glad you are back... I had missed you.
Chris- Thanks for stopping by and I hope I can always be a blessing to the twins.
Dawn- Katherine cried almost 24/7 her first year of life and I often wondered if it was because she missed her twin. Medical term- "colic"!
Josie- Yes, they do have tiny precious faces and I am so glad most of the tubes are finally gone so we can see their faces better.
Annon/Cheryl - You have many gifts/talents from God that I don't have which makes you the unique little sister that you are. I also know what a great MOM you are and witness first hand the excellent God centered family you have. Thanks for stopping by.
SusieQ- they do have a hard copy but thanks for the great idea of having it framed. Now I have the perfect gift to give! I am glad I have smart readers like you!
Tom- I agree with the art of letter writing being lost. My arthritis limits my penmanship but not my creativity because I can still use "word"!
Tammy- You are so right- I have been honored to have Sally stop by and leave a comment from the twins and then to have my little sister stop by and make my day! Both are a blessing indeed!
There is nothing more spectacular on this earth than a newborn baby. How wonderful to have two! They are blessed to be born into such a wonderful family.
I also didn't realize that Katherine was a twin. I am sorry for that loss as well. You certainly have experienced more than one person should have to in that department, but you continue to show all of us that it is possible to make it through these unfortunate situations with the grace of God. Many thanks for that!
Julie- As always, it is great to hear from you and to have you stop by. Thanks for the kind comments and you are right... my life has been an emotional rollercoaster but proof positive that God gives us the strength to make it over the humps.
How adorable are those two infants...sweet.
Thanks for sharing Nancy.
Hilary- it's great to hear from you again. Thanks for stopping by. Do come back!
How absolutely precious!!
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