Operation Inasmuch (part 4)
My "Operation Inasmuch" day was spent in three very different directions. I was the leader of the child care team taking care of the "two and under" children of the other workers. This lasted during the morning hours, then I took pictures for the media team, and last but not least... I visited several rest homes with my precious "Therapy Dog", ELMO! Elmo showed off her talents; sit, stand, dance, speak, catch and fetch- to the delight of all of the residents. She also visited each one pausing only if they continued
to pet her. She even had her very on "Operation Inasmuch" t-shirt which made her feel like the special dog that she is. Elmo was a BLESSING to each person she met that day and continues to bless my life immensely.
Looks like you have been a huge blessing in a lot of other people's lives about as much as you are in mine. :)
Thank you Cris... you really made my day!
Animal assisted therapy is a huge thing in our School of Social Work. A wonderful thing. Bless Elmo's heart!
Sounds like a wonderful week-end!
Thanks for your kind words on my retirement post!
Dawn~ I think we've always known how theraputic our personal pets are... so why did it take this long for us to figure out how theraputic pets can be for the elderly, sick, etc...??? I love to see the joy that Elmo brings to others.
Retirement is going to be great... I can't wait to hear all about it!
Wow, Nancy...you and others have have been such a blessing...doing for others as you would for Jesus.
This series is such an inspiration!
(And bringing your dog to the rest homes- such a wonderful idea!)
Tammy~ "Inasmuch"... you get it- that is a blessing indeed because not everyone "gets IT"! Thanks for stopping by... blessings to you my friend.
Those therapy dogs are just wonderful. When i was visiting in hospice with my friend they had dogs that would come in for the patients. My friend, Betty looked so forward to that. Even if she was asleep she tell us to wake her up. how wonderful that you do this. Sandy
Thanks Sandy~ Hospice actually sponsored our Therapy Dog training. It's lots of fun.
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